What can I do ?

Don’t take paradise for a parking lot!

Callala Point is a particularly quiet “lagoon” or reef embayment which has presented very special natural phenomena including

  • close inshore whale visitations - including a whale resting with her calf on the journey south, and another large humpback,
  • a “feeding frenzy” when the tranquil waters were a tumult with huge schools of bait fish attracting larger fish and pods of dolphins, swarms of gulls, more than a hundred pelicans, sea eagles from a wider area,
  • every day fish life, rays, dolphins, as well as mass flowerings of the sea-grasses and mass spawning of the sea-bed marine animals that cloud the water with vital fertility, easily observed in these safe shallows by snorkelers, kayak & canoe paddlers, young sailors and relaxed amateur fisher-folk.

All that would be banished forever by a land and water parking lot!

Let us not fulfil Joni Mitchell’s words,

  • “That you don't know what you got till it's gone. They paved paradise and put up a parkin' lot.”

A Callala Point marina would do that -  take paradise and make it a parking lot!!

However, we know what we’ve got in Callala Bay -  that’s why we live and visit here! So, we’ll protest and make our views heard, for ourselves and future generations.

Who needs to hear our objections? 
What needs to be done ?

  • Talk to your friends, your local community, wherever you are
  • Talk to Bushcare and Landcare motivated volunteers
  • Talk to people who use Callala Bay for launching their boats, to sail or fish, young families with children and the older folk who use the Callala foreshore park
  • Phone and write to Local MPs -  Joanna Gash, Shelley Hancock, Gareth Ward...
  • Write, even a brief but strong letter, to NSW State Government ministers (Planning / Primary Industry / Environment / Lands / Roads and Ports / Tourism / Sport & Recreation / Premier)
  • Write to Shoalhaven City Council - ”Attention Greg Pullen and Russ Pigg”
  • Lobby and question Shoalhaven City Councillors and candidates (election in September)
  • You might also write letters to the local newspaper, and
  • Phone in to local 2ST / PowerFM radio talk-back sessions.

Contact information for your letters is supplied in a pdf file linked to this.

If you would like to add our contact card for this site and for our email address, please use this link.

Choose what might best persuade your hearer or reader each time... this link provides some hints.

Act now to
D.U.M.P. the destructive unwise marina proposal

North East Wind Pty Ltd  * ABN 62 104 611 010 *  Project & Planning Consultants  * “Callala Marina Jervis Bay”  is a registered business name of N.E.W.P/L